CASE Mission

Promote STEM excellence in STEM fields, Broaden STEM pathway, and Build STEM Identity

  • Promote STEM Excellence: encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving skills, promoting innovation, and fostering teamwork through connection and community
  • Build a STEM pathway: promoting STEM learning, and building a local, STEM-ready talent pipeline
  • Build STEM Identity: will provide multiple pathways for students to enter STEM majors, develop STEM identity through Competence, Performance Recognition, and Transformative Co-Curricular Engagement, as well as prepare STEM majors to enter into graduate programs and/or STEM careers.

Rocky Mountain Alliance Student Application


Spring 2025 Upcoming Events

March 24 - 30, 2025

Spring Break

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

April 3, 2025

RM-AMP/BUILD Community Dinner

4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

April 23, 2025

Brain Memory Workshop, SI 1113

STEM Tutoring

STEM Learning Center Is Open to In-Person Tutoring

Spring Semester 2025

Tutoring Begins January 21, 2025

In-Person in SI 1009

Tutoring Hours:

8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

No Appointment Needed

W-9 and ACH

W-9 and Direct Deposit Authorization Needed for Student Stipends

To receive a student stipend you will need to fill out a W-9 and Direct Deposit Authorization

You will upload your W9 and a Direct Deposit Authorization to the Secure Drop Box.  I have attached the W9 and Direct Deposit Authorization.  The drop box link is

Below is a screenshot of the Secure Drop Box.  The category to select is other.
Add a message:
W9 and Direct Deposit Authorization for Accounts Payroll to receive student stipend payments

Screenshot of Secure Drop Box

How to Look Up Your Cost of Attendance

Stipends can affect your financial aid package. You can check your financial aid package in the student hub on the MSU Denver Website:

  • Select Current Student
  • Select Financial Aid
  • Select Account Summary
  • Select the 4 squares on the upper left-hand side of the screen
  • Select Menu
  • Select Students
  • Select Financial Aid
  • Put in your password
  • Select Offer

Job aid with more information

CASE Job Opportunities

Stem Tutor

Tutoring opportunities are in person.

We are looking for students to tutor Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Statistical Science, Physics and Engineering Courses.

To tutor a course the student needs to have completed the course tutored.  Have a minimum 3.0 GPA in the major and either an A or B in the course they will be tutoring.

Tutoring Days and Hours are Flexible to Meet Your Class Schedule.  Hours available are:

Monday through Friday in person 8:00 – 6:00

Pay:  $18.81/hour

Apply in Workday:  Job# JR132 STEM Tutor

STEM Learning Center Assistant

Assist with the running of the Learning Center.

Monitor students signing into the STEM Learning Center; manage printers, and computers. Keep STEM Learning Center supplies stocked. Maintain the organization and tidiness of the STEM Learning Center. Assist with various Rocky Mountain Alliance functions (may include some evenings or weekends).

Monday through Friday
Flexible Hours

Pay:  $18.81 Work Study Only

Apply in Workday:  Job# JR103291 STEM Learning Center Assistant

Summer Science Camp Mentor

Summer Science Institute Camp Mentor

The Summer Science Institute is for middle school students (incoming 6th, 7th, 8th grade).  The students will engage in hands-on activities in the STEM field such as Math, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Rocket Science, Meteorology, Water Environment and Robotics.  There are four sessions, each session is two weeks.

This position will guide students through their day.  The Camp Mentors will assist the professors in the classroom.

STEM or Education Majors should apply. Must be able to work the month of June

This position can be work-study, hourly and internship credit.

Pay:  $18.81/hour

Apply in Workday:  Job# JR103289 Summer Science Camp Mentor

Summer Science Scholars Camp Mentor

Summer Science Scholar Camp Mentor

Summer Science Scholars is an in-person summer program for high school seniors and community college students interested in STEM.  This is a two-week full day program learning STEM, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through a research based project.  The program goals are to build STEM identity, research skills and foster community building.

The mentors will assist the students in their classes and research projects.

STEM or Education Majors should apply. Must be available the month of June

This position can be work-study, hourly and internship credit.

Pay:  $18.81

Apply in Workday:  Job# JR103289 Summer Science Camp Mentor

MSU Denver STEM Challenge Camp

STEM Challenge Camp Mentor

Participants:  High School Seniors, Community College, MSU Denver Students

Participants will exploring  real-world STEM Challenges using Lean Six Sigma Processes

May 19 – 30, 2025

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

More information can be found on our website

Pay:  $18.81

Apply in Workday:  Job# JR103289 Summer Science Camp Mentor


Genomic Graphic

Hsiu-Ping Liu, Ph.D., director of the Center for Advanced STEM Education and professor in the Department of Biology, was awarded $1.7 million from the National Institutes of Health for her project Pathways in Genomics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. The goal of the project is to prepare and support undergraduate students for graduate school and/or a career in genomics research. This includes providing high-quality research experiences, professional-development opportunities and mentorship while building a robust community of research scholars.

    • The total award is $1,707,373, and the University of Colorado Anschutz sub-award is $66,539. Of these funds, $1,325,611 will go to direct student support, including tuition, fees, health insurance, hourly wages, travel to conferences and computer support.

    • This is the third federal grant in excess of $1 million Liu has received for her work in STEM education. Some of her work is a collaboration with the School of Education, the College of Health and Human Sciences and other units across campus.

Invisibility of disability in STEM

Invisible Disability

Watch Invisibility of Disability Panel Discussion

Help with data collection by taking the survey.  The goal is: create a space for adults to share stories on their experiences with disability and to help raise awareness of disability among educators at all levels.

Past Events

Past Workshops

Contact Information

Auraria Campus Science Building
Room 1051

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 24
PO Box 173372
Denver, CO 80217-3362

Lori Taylor
[email protected]

Linda Sivertson
[email protected]

Dr. Megan Filbin
[email protected]

Recognizing Outstanding Roadrunners: Roadrunners Who Soar